Model Intelligence

Inspired by neural networks, designed for finance.

Quantum’s native language is Python and as such, Quantum benefits from the strength and diversity of Python’s scientific computing ecosystem. To provide graph computation and transparent GPU calculation, we rely on Theano, a mature and established library in the field of artificial intelligence.

Roots in Artificial Intelligence

Neural networks are common in artificial intelligence learning algorithms. Typically these algorithms utilize a probabilistic layer in which a training phase configures the network’s state probabilities. As a result, the system’s output can exhibit plasticity with respect to its input. Imperative programming, on the other hand, produces a system in which the programmer is in full control of the program state. Quantum is a system that borrows the ideas of graph processing from the field of artificial intelligence and allows an imperative specification of logic.

Tools Appropriate to the Problem

In vestibulum massa quis arcu lobortis tempus. Nam pretium arcu in odio vulputate luctus. Suspendisse euismod lorem eget lacinia fringilla. Sed sed felis justo. Nunc sodales elit in laoreet aliquam. Nam gravida, nisl sit amet iaculis porttitor, risus nisi rutrum metus.

  • Automatic multithreaded execution.
  • Transparent GPU accelerated utilization.
  • Robust tools for performance benchmarking.
  • Version-control ready.
  • Symbolic math.
  • Hadoop