Console Controller

The embedded Python console is based on the recipe found here.

It subclasses InteractiveConsole which provides the interpreter functionality. It also creates a shared namespace to allow the global namespace to share objects with the embedded interpreter. This is important for being able to manipulate the runtime system with user commands. The user commands act on the objects in the shared namespace, which are the same objects that exist in the global namespace.

class ctrl_console.Console(main, console_ui, names=None)

Handles console functionality. Interprets commands and calls appropriate functions. This is modeled as a singleton.

  • console_ui (UI_Panel) – This is a reference to a panel that represents a console.
  • names (Dict) – The defined names in the Python environment.
  • parent – The UI that represents the console.
  • root – A reference to the main screen.
  • shared – Creates a shared namespace that allows the embedded interpreter to access global namespace objects.
  • console_instStatic. Holds the single instance.

This function processes user input. It preprocesses the text before sending it to the interpreter to provide additional functionality. It also provides redirection from standard output to the console’s display area.

Parameters:source (String) – User Python input.

Gives focus to the code input box.


This is a hook function that defines any reserved commands that will not get sent to the Python interpreter.

redirected(out=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, err=<kivy.logger.LogFile object>)

Changes system stdout and system stderr to any other string io stream. Is disabled when in debugging mode with a breakpoint set.

  • out (StringIO) – The string stream that recieves system output. Default, sys.stdout.
  • err (StringIO) – The string stream that recieves system error strings. Default, sys.stderr.

Console UI Elements

This module defines the components used to build a console panel. It is used by the console assembler to produce the console.

class ui_console.CmdLine(**kwargs)

A text box for users to input Python code to the interpreter.

  • buffer – A history of commands.
  • cmd_index – The length of the command history list.
  • kb – The KeyboardMap that defines and responds to hotkeys specific to the console.

Provides function maps for hotkey shortcuts.


Document shortcuts in User Guide.


Retrieves a command from the history one position later.


Internal. A callback that sends validated text to the controller.


Internal. A callback to respond to touch (click) events.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The touch data associated with the call.

Internal. A callback to respond to touch (click) events.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The touch data associated with the call.

Paste the clipboard contents to the text value.


Retrieves a command from the history one position earlier.

class ui_console.CodeDisplay(font_size='11sp', **kwargs)

The primary display area for the console. It shows the output from the Python interpreter. This is read-only.

Parameters:font_size (String) – The font size to display given in Kivy Units.
Variables:font_size – The current font size setting.


Allow select and copy with mouse. Currently, mouse will move the panel around rather than allowing selection.

keyboard_on_key_down(keyboard, keycode, codepoint, modifiers)

Internal. A callback function that responds to keypresses.

  • keyboard (Kivy Keyboard) – A reference to the Kivy keyboard controller.
  • keycode (Integer) – A numeric code representing the key pressed. See KeyboardMap for more info on keycodes.
  • codepoint (String) – The string value of the key.
  • modifiers (String) – The string value of any modifier keys also pressed.

Internal. A callback to respond to touch (click) events.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The touch data associated with the call.

Internal. A callback to respond to touch (click) events.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The touch data associated with the call.
class ui_console.UI_Console_Inner(**kwargs)

This contains the user input textbox as well as the system output display.

  • code_ui – A code textbox to display system output.
  • prompt_ui – A code textbox for user input.
  • cmd_ui – The command prompt characters >>>.


This is an implementation of the Command design pattern. This module defines a registry of commands within the system. Most user-accessible commands should derive from one of the types: Command or SingletonCommand. Each command defined in this manner should add themselves to the command registry CMDS. This makes the command available to the console.

class command.Command

Inherit from Command to create new commands that need to hold state. If your command does not need multiple instances with different states, use SingletonCommand instead. All undoable commands will derive from this class because undoables need to store state prior to modification.


A fall-back execute() intended to be overridden by your derived class.

static get_app()

Returns the currently running app.


A fall-back undo() intended to be overridden by your derived class.

class command.DeleteCircuitCmd(to_delete=None)

Deletes a circuit and all associated vertices from the database.

Parameters:info – The CircuitInfo belonging to the circuit you wish to delete.
class command.HelpCmd

Prints all available commands to console.

class command.HistoryCmd

Print the command history.

class command.ListCircuitsCmd

Lists all currently available circuits.

class command.LoadCircuitCmd(name=None)

Open an existing circuit in the current project. :param circuit_name: The name of the circuit to load. :param circuit_name: str

class command.NewCircuitCmd(name=None)

Creates a new circuit and loads it.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the circuit to create. Default = ‘Untitled’.
class command.OpenConsoleCmd

Opens the console window if closed, otherwise, does nothing.

class command.OpenHelpViewCmd

Opens a Quantum Documentation panel.

class command.OpenProfilerCmd

Opens a profiler window.

class command.OpenProjectCmd(project=None)

Opens a project from a graph data file.

  • path – The path to the project file.
  • filename – The name of the file.
  • ext – The file extension.
static close_project()

Clears out all project data currently in TitanDB. Hopefully, user has been prompted to save data into project file before this is executed!

static open_project(path, filename, ext)

Opening a new project clears the current TitanDB and populates it with data from an existing graph file.

class command.RedoCmd

Redo the last command executed.

class command.RenameCircuitCmd

Renames the current circuit.

Parameters:new_name (str) – The new name to give the current circuit.
class command.RunCircuitCmd

Schedules a circuit execution. :param debug: Boolean value to set debug mode. Default=False :type debug: boolean :param step: Number of steps to execute in debug mode. Default=1 :type step: int

class command.SaveCmd

Saves the circuit to the database.

class command.ScreenSwitchCmd

Switch between app and loading screens for debugging.

class command.SingletonCommand

Inherit from this class if all instances of your command should actually reference a single instance in memory. This is typical for non-undoable commands.

class command.SweepAllCmd

Sweep aside all panels.

class command.SweepConsoleCmd

Sweep console into or out of view. If closed, open a new instance.

class command.ToggleScreencastCmd

Turn on or off screencast keys.

class command.UndoCmd

Undo the last command executed.


A decorator for execution functions. Any @undoable class must implement an undo function.