Project Controller

Documentation coming soon.

class project.Project(info)

A controller for project data.

load(path, filename, ext)

Fills the TitanDB with a project. Note: assumes empty DB, so make sure to empty your DB before calling.


Documentation coming soon.


Documentation coming soon.

save(path, filename, ext)

Documentation coming soon.

Graph Database Module

This module provides adapters to TitanDB

class graph_db.CellInfo(**values)

The representation of a cell stored in graph database as a Vertex object.

  • element_type – ‘cell_info’
  • nameRequired. The name of the cell.
  • xRequired. The x coordinate of the cell’s left border with respect to the circuit.
  • topRequired. The y coordinate of the top border of the cell with respect to the circuit.
  • rspace – Width of the right column of the cell that displays the input sockets.
  • lspace – Width of the left column of the cell that displays the output sockets.
  • width – The width of the cell.
  • user_input – Values specified in the cell’s input fields.

A short unique id for each cell.

class graph_db.CircuitInfo(**values)

Contains circuit information to be stored in graph database. This contains information necessary to reconstruct the circuit.

  • element_type – ‘circuit_info’
  • nameRequired. Name of the circuit. Must be unique per circuit.
  • cells – Contains relation information regarding cells.
  • pos – Coordinate list for the position of the circuit.
  • deleted – Determines if deletion was requested.
class graph_db.HasCell(outV, inV, **values)

Defines a relation between circuits and thier child cells and is modeled as and edge in the graph database.

Variables:label – ‘has_cell’
class graph_db.HasCircuit(outV, inV, **values)

Defines a relation to user/model circuits and is modeled as an edge in the graph database.

  • label – ‘has_circuit’
  • open – Indicates whether or not a circuit is currently open by user.
class graph_db.PipeInfo(outV, inV, **values)

The representation of a pipe stored as a graph database Edge object.

  • label – ‘pipe_info’
  • src_key – The identifier for the source node.
Iar tgt_key:

The identifier for the target node.


Documentation coming soon.

class graph_db.ProjectInfo(**values)

Project information stored in the graph database. There should only be one such vertex in any graph.

  • element_type – ‘project_info’
  • nameRequired. The name of the project.
  • circuits – A set of circuits contained by the project.