Panel Factory Interface

The Panel Factory module defines a framework based on the Abstract Factory design pattern. The framework includes the abstract classes PanelFactory and PanelAssembler. Since these classes inherit from ABCMeta, they are truly abstract and you cannot instantiate them. Instead, you must subclass them to get concrete instances.

In our framework, any classes that inherit from PanelFactory will provide all the neccessary components for it’s particular specialization. For example, a cell panel does not have a dismiss button the way that a window panel would. As a result, we should define one factory that specializes in building cell parts and another factory that specializes in producing window parts. Some panels may have resizeable borders, others may have a fixed size. These types of panel variations would be defined by the PanelFactory.

The PanelAssembler classes will do the work of actually putting the panel parts together. Here is where the internal functionality of the panel is defined. Where the PanelFactory defines the panel type, the PanelAssembler defines a panel’s functionality.

For the sake of example, suppose you have defined your own PanelAssembler as MenuBarAssembler and a PanelFactory called MenuFactory:

class MenuFactory(PanelFactory):

    def add_panel(self):
        print("Creating the panel in memory.")

    def add_icon(self, icon):
        print("Adding an icon to the panel.")

    def add_title(self, title):
        pass  # menus don't have titles

    def add_borders(self):
        print("Adding borders.")

    def add_inner(self, inner):
        print("Filling in the inner content.")

    def add_dismiss(self):
        pass  # You cannot dismiss this menu

    def get_panel(self):
        print("Supplying the panel object that was configured.")

class MenuBarAssembler(PanelAssembler):

    def build_inner(self):
        return "Fancy inner menu contents."

    def create_panel(self, factory):
        result = factory.get_panel()
        result.append("Special customizations.")
        return result

We can now use the assembler with the factory to build a menu object. The result would be:

>>> ma = MenuBarAssembler()
>>> mf = MenuFactory()
>>> menu_instance = ma.create_panel(mf)
Creating the panel in memory.
Adding borders.
Filling in the inner content.
Supplying the panel object that was configured.

Notice that we first create instances of the factory and the assembler. We then use the assembler and supply the factory to the assembler. Different factories would result in a different object coming out of the assembler. If we inspect the menu_instance we find:

>>> print(menu_instance)
['Special customizations.']


PanelFactory and PanelAssembler are both modeled as singletons. As a result, when you derive from them, your subclasses will also be singletons.

class panel_factory.PanelAssembler

This abstract class defines the interface for producing panel instances. The PanelAssembler subclasses are able to take any PanelFactory and use it to assemble a fully functional panel. The classes which inherit from PanelAssembler also houses the logic to produce contents inside the panel as well as all the logic that makes it work.

create_panel(panel_factory, **kwargs)

Assemble the panel components by using the supplied factory.

Parameters:panel_factory (PanelFactory) – Provides panel parts.
class panel_factory.PanelFactory

This abstract class defines an interface that all subclasses must implement. A PanelFactory produces panel parts. Different subtypes may produce parts differently or omit certain parts altogether. For example, some types of panels may not have a titlebar.


Build border elements for the panel.


Build any dismissal mechanisms for the panel.

add_icon(icon, **kwargs)

Add an icon to the panel’s title bar.

Parameters:icon (string) – The icon used to represent the panel. Any markup will be processed before rendering.
add_inner(inner_content, **kwargs)

Add a placeholder in the panel where inner contents will be placed.

Parameters:inner_content (kivy.Widget) – The root element of a widget tree containing all the interior content of the panel.

Instantiate the base panel widget.

add_title(title_text, **kwargs)

Build the panel’s title bar.

Parameters:title_text (string) – The panel title. Markup will be processed before rendering.

Return the panel object.

Concrete Panel Factories

This module contains the actual concrete implementations of the interfaces defined by PanelFactory and PanelAssembler. These objects are modeled as singletons. Therefore, there is only ever one instance of each object in the runtime environment.

class panel_factories.CellAssembler

This is a concrete implementation of the PanelAssembler interface. It is modeled as a singleton.

  • factory – The factory that will be used to produce parts for the cell.
  • controller – The controller to assign to the cell.
  • title – The title to assign to the cell.
class panel_factories.CellFactory

The concrete implementation of the PanelFactory interface. Produces cell ui’s.

Variables:cell – A placeholder where the cell will be built.
class panel_factories.ConsoleAssembler

Makes a console panel which provides an embedded python interpreter.

  • icon
  • title
  • color – The color that will be assigned to the title.
  • GLOW – The color that will be assigned to the icon.
class panel_factories.OSXWindowFactory

Defines window panel elements for OSX platforms.

  • window – A UI_Panel
  • title – A string representing the title
  • config_section – The ini section name for the new window if applicable

Panel UI Elements

This module provides the visual representations of panel components that are used by panel factories.

class ui_panel.Dismiss(**kwargs)

This is a dismiss button.

Variables:to_be_dismissed – An object that defines a dismiss() member function.

Call the dismiss function of the reference object.


A callback function that handles the response to a touch up (unclick) event.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The associated touch data.
class ui_panel.UI_Panel(**kwargs)

This class defines the look/feel of panels which are the utility windows that live outside of circuits.

  • config_section – The name of the section in the ini file where this panel’s config values will be written to.
  • hidden – Indicates whether or not the panel is off-screen.
  • last_pos – Used to save the position of the panel prior to sweeping it off screen so that we can bring it back to the same position later.
  • scale – The current scale of the panel. Default is 1.

Calculates the closest center panel point at which the entire panel is offscreen.


Deletes the panel. It is entirely removed from the widget tree. To bring it back, you need to instance a new one.


Internal. Handles touch up events.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The data associated with the call.

Animates the screen moving off screen.

class ui_panel.UI_Panel_Base(title='DEFAULT', controller=None, **kwargs)

This is the base class for all window type widgets.

  • title (String) – The title to assign to the panel.
  • controller (object) – The controller to assign to the panel.
  • deleted – An observable indicator which signals that the panel should be removed from screen and from memory.
  • color – A 4-tuple representing the rgba color of the panel.
  • controller – The panel’s controller.
  • title – The panel’s title. Includes BB code formatting.
  • do_rotation – Determines if panel is allowed to rotate. Default is False.
  • do_scale – Determines if panel can scale. Default is False.

Internal. Determines behavior of panel when it recieves a touch down event.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The data associated with the call.

Internal. Determines behavior of panel when it recieves a touch up event.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The data associated with the call.
class ui_panel.UI_Panel_Edge(**kwargs)

A control with touch collisions defined to resize the parent widget. To do this, the widget defines a grab concept. It’s basically a boolean status that determines if subsequent interactions by touches or mouse continue to affect the widget.

  • right_drag – A bool that indicates if right border is being dragged.
  • left_drag – A bool that indicates if the left border is being dragged.
  • top_drag – A bool that indicates if the top border is being dragged.
  • bottom_drag – A bool that indicates if the bottom border is being dragged.
  • trunk – The panel that is the parent of this edge.

Internal. Handles touch down events. This will cause this object to grab the touch and consume the event if it is within the collision boundaries.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The touch data associated with the call.

Internal. Responds to touch move events if the touch is grabbed.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The touch data associated with the move event.

Internal. Responds to touch up events. Will ungrab the touch if the touch is currently grabbed by this object.

Parameters:touch (MotionEvent) – The touch data associated with the touch up event.
class ui_panel.UI_Title(**kwargs)

Determines the look/feel of title bars. Titlebars have two text regions. The first is intended for an icon character while the second is for the actual title.

  • curr_color – The titlebar’s current color.
  • l1_text – The region intended for an icon or id.
  • l2_text – The region intended for the actual titlebar text.
  • l1_padding
  • l2_padding