Financial dataflow programming has arrived.

Designed with a plug-in architecture, written in Python and C++, with processing nodes that are endlessly customizable.

Parallel processing is a common need among financial professionals, but many in the industry lack the computer science background to write effective parallelized algorithms. Analysts and modelers face a variety of other modeling risks such as data wrangling, model specification, implementation, and control governance. Optimization is often neglected and considered a problem too hard to solve.

Quantum uses a graph representation of model logic allowing for automated parallelization. Symbolic math capabilities allow it to optimize mathematical relationships in your model. With access to the entire Python data-science ecosystem, data wrangling and reporting have never been easier. Version controlled files provide a clear audit trail of model changes.


Model Intelligence

Imperative programming meets neural networks.

Quantum utilizes a mature and established artificial intelligence library called Theano to provide GPU accelleration for graph processing. Graphs resemble neural networks, however, in Quantum, graphs are a way to allow imperative programming in a visual manner absolving the programmer from having to learn syntax. Graphs can be used for anything from wrangling data to automating and generating reports or output.


Close a Technical Knowledge Gap

Quantum bridges the gap between specialized programming expertise and financial modeling.

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GPU Accelleration

Concurrency and GPU accelleration built in.


Automate anything from data wrangling to file manipulation.


A plugin architecture ensures endless flexibility.

Version Control

Source code and circuits are kept in plain-text format allowing for version control.

Debug Tools

Circuits are fully debuggable allowing breakpoints and execution stepping.

Performance Tools

Built-in performance benchmarking tools enable you to optimize your models.

Quantum Project on Slack

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