Utility Functions

Documentation coming soon.


Dumps doctext for all cells in the circuit


Creates a dot file. To visualize a dot file you can use a free utility like dot which comes with the Graphviz package. Dot is invoked from your system’s command line like so:

$ dot -Tpng filename.dot -o outfile.png

For additional options, type: dot --help


Opens jupyter notebook documentation


A special function for PyCell plugin. It is a shortcut to run PyCell defined unit tests.

To run all:

>>> run_unit_test('test_all')
traceback_formatter.pprint_tb(etype, value, tb)

Pretty-prints tracebacks. Example usage:

>>> pprint_tb(*sys.exc_info())

Profiler UI Elements

Coming Soon.

class profiler.ProfilerAssembler(circuit)

Assembles a profiler window.

Variables:circuit – The circuit to profile.

Jupyter Notebooks

Coming Soon.

Docstring Provider

Property decorator for the __doc__ attribute. Useful for when you want a custom docstring for class instances while still showing a generic docstring for the class itself.

Source: http://bfroehle.com/2012/11/08/property-for-doc-attribute/


>>> class A(object):
...     '''Main docstring'''
...     def __init__(self, x):
...         self.x = x
...     @docstring_property(__doc__)
...     def __doc__(self):
...         return "My value of x is %s." % self.x
>>> A.__doc__
'Main docstring'
>>> a = A(10)
>>> a.__doc__
'My value of x is 10.'
class docstring_property.DocstringProperty(class_doc, fget)

Property for the __doc__ attribute.

Different than property in the following two ways:

  • When the attribute is accessed from the main class, it returns the value of class_doc, not the property itself. This is necessary so Sphinx and other documentation tools can access the class docstring.
  • Only supports getting the attribute; setting and deleting raise an AttributeError.